Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day two training

Wow.  I did not think I was tired until I came home tonight.  We basically were at the mill from 8 am - 6 pm.  We had some down time and a couple hours of cleaning. 

The static issue is under control.  We spent a great deal of time fine tuning and fiddling with the pin drafter.  Lots of hints and ideas for making it work better.  It is kind of the key to a great end product. 

The kids had play practice today so it was basically an adult only event.  Brigid showed up later when we were cleaning after a shopping excursion with girl scouts. 

Chuck and Deb were wonderful during the last two days.  Thank you both so much!  Straight alpaca is not their favorite thing.  From a processing point of view, we completely understand that.  They have done so much adapting of machines and processes during our visit to their mill in July and coming down here.  Both Craig and I hope they know just how much we appreciate it.  Their equipment is wonderful and we look forward to many year using it. 

Eloquence is leaving so here are some pictures:

Spinning three at a time
4 skeins (800 yards)

Winner of the Fluffy competition!

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