Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Interior walls continue

The interior wall project is going along nicely.  Craig and Bill got a lot of work done over the weekend. 

When you have the right tools, everything goes so much better.  Supposedly.  We borrowed a nail gun to put the wall framing together.  I know nothing about nail guns.  We needed nails.  No problem, I thought.  There are some in the basement left over from the redo we did there a couple of years ago.  They should fit.  Yeah...so Brigid and I go trooping off to Lowes to get nails (with examples of what we need) for the stud work and hey, why not grab some finishing nails as well. 

Laugh all you want!  It seemed like an easy thing.  Only there is no way it could be.  There are angled nails and straight nails and different lengths and different gauges and paper tape and wire tape and galvinized versus none and so forth.  And sorry, but we only sell nails in quantities of 2000.  Let's now get into full head, notch cut, cropped and "Oh, ma'am, I am not sure you can use a full head in a notched gun..."  Some of the people who work at Lowes understand nail guns, others don't (we got the don't first....).   Our 5 min trip turned into me ready to find a bar or play bumber cars in the parking lot to relieve stress!  I have no idea how long we were there.  We finally picked out a finish nail gun (cause there are tons of different guns and of course, they do not all do the same thing or take the same nails...) and went to get the nails.  They did not have any.  AAARRRGGGHHH. 

Brigid loves to shop.  She can shop us all into the ground.  She hit the wall about 1/2 hour into this excursion.  We picked out a different finish nail gun. We actually found nails.  YEAH.

This was Friday.  Fast forward to Monday.  The gun is not working.  And apparently it was temperamental to high heaven on Sat.  If you could get it to start shooting nails, it was fine.  But it didn't last.  So we have to box it up and take it back.  Oh joy.  The good news is that the second one actually worked. 

Yup, the right tools make everything better.

This extra shopping trip definately cut into our level of productivity yesterday.  But as we are still waiting to be hooked up to the grid, what does it matter?  Rumor has it the gas meter should be installed today.  We have no idea how close to the road the meter will be.  Hopefully, the remainder of it will be installed soon as well, so we can think about being decedent and installing heaters.


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