Monday, December 20, 2010

All Equiped

Well, things went off without too many hitches today.  The forklift showed up later than expected but the truck from MI arrived on time and despite a few issues, all went well.

Loaded truck
Truck untarped

Jordan forklift with carder
Yup, stuck.  Well, too slippery.

Will it fit?  Eventually!
Carder and picker in place

L to R:  felter, spinner, pin drafter

Cone winder
Everything is not in its final resting place in the photos.  But you get the idea hopefully about the scope and scale of the equipment.  The electricians got the panel box in so hopefully the inspector can come by soon and clear us with Allegheny Power. 

The entire day of unloading and unpalleting took about 5 hours with a break or two to warm up.  Jordan is amazing on the forklift for one so young;  Bill has incredible visual skills (yes it will fit, no it won't, a little that way, etc);  Craig was everywhere at once.  Me - I was probably in the way.  But I helped with unpalleting and clean up.  And someone had to take pictures and blog!

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