Friday, January 28, 2011

Another Day - still more learning curve

OK.  We were ready to tackle the spinner again today, having taken yesterday off.  We decided to try some black and some brown fiber that Craig had washed and picked in WV close to two years ago. 

Just when we think that we have thing pretty well figured out, we learn a how bunch more.   The first thing we learn is not to make assumptions!  We started with 3 pounds again, about half of each color.  The picking, carding and pin drafting went beautifully.  The pin drafter (which I think Chuck calls it Eeyore) had an A+ day.  No problems at all.  Humming along nicely at 18.0 ( we were on 11.0 earlier this week).  Higher number, faster drafter. 

It was the spinning that got us.  Again.  Now, we have a point where we know we should leave well enough along and we push that limit every time.  We had the brown spinning along well - it was a little dry and was a quasi-pepe day.  Then we decide, well, the spinner is working, why not add the black?  Why not?  Because white and brown and black have different qualities.  The spinning speed for the brown and the spinning speed for the black were different.  The black turned out overtwisted where the brown was happy as can be.  Now, I do know this from my handspinning days but sometimes the memories move to the front of my brain a little slowly....

So we did most of 3 lbs in less time than on Wed but still had some moments that we are eternally grateful there were no witnesses for.  Well, except for the three dogs.   Maybe just two - Claire was pretty much out, sleeping in front of her personal space heater all day. 

Where do we go from here?  Tomorrow we return to white.  Mon and Tues we will do black and brown. 

We are getting there!  Even though we are having isues, we are thrilled with the quality and consistency of the yarns we are producing.

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