Tuesday, January 18, 2011

We Got It!

We have no idea what changed but something did.  The last of the three experiments went well.  We still had to take some great care with the first set of rovings through the pin drafter but the second time thru went well. 

We have learned a bit about the mechanics of the machines.  The pin drafter is a refurbed machine and we have some modifications / adjustments to make to it.  The ones we did today helped with the way it works a lot.  Who knows what we have to do tomorrow but that is ok.

We got 1 pound through the carder and the pin drafter and it is sitting on the spinning machine waiting for us to come back tomorrow and play with it.  We did spend about 15 or 20 mins on the spinner trying to play with the controls and see how we change things.  But I still have kids moving in different directions at different times - at least for another week or so.  Then they will be moving the same way at the same time until the school play is over at the end of Feb.  Then they can start helping otu at the mill.


I am never going to look good again, given the new dress code at my new job.  Covered in fuzzys and a mess in general.  Sigh. Maybe I should start wearing a hat also!   Of course, taking a picture of yourself at arms length doesn;t work well either.


  1. I've always favored a tripod with a timer.

  2. Good suggestion. A comb would be benefitial as well....
